Tuesday 4 May 2010

Quilting Arts DVD's

We have four DVD's from Quilting Arts. The DVD's are filmed on the set of Quilting Arts TV and are Surface Design with Lyric Kinard (9963), Master Machine Quilting with Susan Brubaker Knapp (9965), Art Quilt Design with Carol Taylor (9966) and Making Faces with Maria Elkins (9967). Below you can see further details on Master Machine Quilting and a YouTube video of some of the content.

Susan teaches you the basics of free-motion machine stitching, including thread work to enhance the surface and quilting to hold the layers together beautifully. Find out what materials you’ll need and how to get started. Beginners and intermediates—and those who have been too terrified to try until now—will find inspiration and answers, as well as lots of tips, techniques, and practical information to improve their machine stitching. Stitchers of all levels will benefit from Susan’s thorough approach—from her careful consideration of materials and preparation (including advice on how to chill out), to the differentiation between thread sketching and machine quilting. Learn the benefits and purpose for each of these methods, and find plenty of inspiration through Susan’s artful examples.

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